Recovery is a process that involves multiple layers of support including medical, therapeutic, academic, and social support systems actively in play all at the same time. Adolescents are at a critical stage in their growth and often lack the skills to cope with the challenges life can present. This has been further exasperated by COVID and its aftermath. The mental health and substance abuse crisis among youth is well-documented and we cannot hesitate to take action.
This work cannot be done in a silo. It requires partnership, collaboration, and resources working together to produce real results. Can we count on you to be a partner in this cause?
Here is what your donation will support :
- $500 Sponsor a session
- $1,500 Sponsor a student
- $3,000 Sponsor a family
- $5,000 Sponsor a class
Choices is recognized by the IRS under the 501c3 tax exempt nonprofit determination. Donations are tax deductible as allowable by law. AGO #080113